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Prop 8: Holding Back the Progress of America

Friday, January 8, 2010 , Posted by Daisy at 10:00 PM

I'm from Canada. And I'm proud of our country. I am proud that we have more social programs. I am proud that we do not believe in capital punishment. And I am also proud that we allow gay couples to marry.

It's 2010 and I don't understand what's holding back the progress of America. She makes a big deal about freedom and liberty but yet she still restricts the freedom and liberty of her own people. Being gay is not a choice. No one chooses to be gay. It's a fact of life. Just like it is not your choice to be born male or female, or black or asian. It's time to accept people as they are and allow everyone the same rights.

What the religious right are now saying is that they have a problem with the term "marriage" being applied to same sex couples as it is a religious word denoting the union between a man and a woman. There is nothing religious about discrimination. Come on, do you really think we're supposed to believe that the real reason they don't want to allow gays to marry is because they simply don't want them to use the term "marriage"? To me this is simply an excuse they have come up with to hide the real reason why they are against equal rights. And that is because they are bigots living in fear. (I will write an item in the future about how I think conservatism is an ideology muddled in fear.)

If the only contention is simply a term, then replace the term to satisfy an ever decreasing fraction of the population but give everyone exactly the same rights. Wouldn't that satisfy everybody? I don't even think gays even care what you call it. It's just a word to them. They just want equal rights under the law.

But knowing that faith and logic don't usually go hand in hand, I think if ever there does come a time when a bill like the one I've proposed comes up for debate, the conservatives will probably come up with another excuse.

Have some compassion. If you don't like gay marriage then don't marry a gay person.

Oh Canada!

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. Anonymous says:

    I heard from an article this week that gays already enjoy all the rights of married couples in California. But that they still felt degraded simply because they could not be married-- eventhough the union was reconigzable by the state.

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